After a lot of thinking, I have determined I would propose a sports magazine. Even though there are several out on newsstands everywhere, my magazine would have something for everyone, which I'll explain below.
Name of Magazine: Everything Sports
Concept of Magazine: Along with sports news, I would also have interviews as well as stories of athletes outside of their sports life. For example, some of these stories (as the cover of my proposed example states) ways to improve readers' sports playing skills. Also, my magazine will discuss fantasy help for readers involved in fantasy leagues. There are fantasy magazines out there, but none are included in "general" sports magazines. With my proposed magazine, readers won't have to invest in several magazines to get their information.
Readers: Anyone who is into sports or would like more knowledge of sports. I would love to target men and women of all ages.
Other magazines: Sports Illustrated, ESPN: The Magazine and Sports Weekly (to name the most popular)
Five Advertisers: I think this magazine would attract a lot of companies who are official sponsors to sports and sporting events. The top 5 I can think of are: Dodge (for their trucks), Ford (also for their trucks), MillerCoors (for their beer products), Visa (for credit cards, especially those that can get you free trips to the Super Bowl or other big sporting events), and DirecTV (for their diverse sports packages).
Five articles in premier issue:
1) Dwyane Wade discusses in an interview the 10 ways to improve 3-point shooting
2) Experts will help fantasy baseball players with their lineup issues or other advice.
3) There will also be an article updating readers on the NBA playoffs.
4) Another article will explain the differences between watching a game on TV versus the experience going to a stadium to watch the game live. (This may be an editorial column)
5) I would also like to have an opinions section and/or a "Letter to the editor" column where readers can post their own views on certain things or sending letters to the editor and posting those.
Cover: Since the biggest article would most likely be Dwyane Wade discussing the best ways to shoot three-pointers, his picture will be on the cover. Many NBA fans can say he's one of the best players in the league at the moment, and a future hall-of-famer. I also wanted to give a preview of what articles readers would find inside that specific issue.

Interesting combination of how-to and fantasy sports.